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Home -Italy-Lake Garda-Villaggio Eden-Mobile Home Superior Lake View

Mobile Home Superior Lake View

Villaggio Eden
"A nicer view we could have never had dreamed
Eleonor Turnball
Vanaf Ab From Da 72,- p.n.

Lake view Mobile Home Superior at camping Eden

With its 4m x 7.6m dimensions, this mobile home has a large and spacious living and kitchen area. With sliding doors opening onto the wooden terrace outside it offers a wonderful lake view over the bay of Salò and the little harbour of Portese.
We offer this mobilhome exclusively on campsite Eden.

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Thia mobilehome is exclusively designed for Gustocamp and has the terrace at the front-side. It is large ( 4,0 x 7,60 m) and offers a spacious and comortable living - dining area. There is a well equipped kitchen area with everything you need for a enjoyable holiday, including air conditioning.

In the living area it is possible to transform the bank to a single sleeping place.

Living-kitchen-dining area

The well equipped kitchen area has a large fridge-freezer, gas hob, microwave oven, coffeemaker, waterkettle and everything else you need for an enjoyable holiday. The use of the aircondition is not included in the price.


There is a double bedroom and a second bedroom with 1 single bed plus a bunk bed. (for a child up to 10 years). If neccessary the bank in the living area can be tranformed to a 6th sleep.
All beds come equipped with single duvets and pillows.


There is a spacious bathroom complete with shower, toilet and sink and another bathroom with toilet and sink with direct access from the master bedroom.


Covered Terrace - offering comfort on the hottest of days and even during a summer rain storm! The terrace is equipped with garden furniture and a BBQ.

Model on picture may differ from the original. Subject to change.

Geniet van extra comfort met onze bij te boeken extra’s. Wat dacht u van bedlinnen of een buggy? Wij regelen het graag voor u! De artikelen ‘op aanvraag’ kunnen alleen ter plaatse gehuurd worden. De andere artikelen kunt u tot uiterlijk 2 weken voor aankomst reserveren.Enjoy extra comfort with our selection of extras to maybe added. How about bed linen or even a buggy? We will be happy to arrange any of these for you! The items ‘on request’ may be rented only onsite. All other items can be booked up to 2 weeks before your arrival. Genießen Sie von noch mehr Komfort durch unsere Extras dazuzubuchen. Was dachten Sie von Bettwäsche oder einem Buggy? Wir regeln es gerne für Sie. Die Artikel “auf Anfrage” können nur vor Ort bei Verfügbarkeit gemietet werden. Alle anderen Artikel können sie bis spätestens 2 Wochen vor Ankunft reservieren. Se volete aggiungere qualcosa al vostro soggiorno controllate la nostra lista di extra disponibili, troverete di certo qualcosa a cui non avete pensato, lenzuola o perfino un passeggino... Saremo lieti di preparare per voi qualunque cosa presente nella lista che risponda alle vostre necessità! Gli extra "su richiesta"possono solo essere richiesti sul posto. Gli altri extra devono essere prenotati fino a 2 settimane prima del vostro arrivo.

Double bed linen € 27,00 per set
Single bed linen € 19,00 per set
Towels € 3,00 a pce. (100x60)
Towels €9,00 (2 pce. 100x150)
Beach towel € 9,00 a pce. (75x140)
Baby pack € 5,00 per day
Baby bath € 2,00 per day
Baby bed € 3,00 per day
High chair € 2,00 per day
Bed rail € 2,00 per day
Damage waiver € 2,00 per day
Gusto WiFi in the mobile home
Spacious living and kitchen area
2 Bedrooms, 1 shower room, 2 toilets
Wonderful lake views
Beautiful campsite! What a way to finish the day, drinking an aperitif on the roof terrace with stunning views of the Garda lake.
Fam. Campbell

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                                            [content_id] => 9902
                                            [titel_content] => Lake view Mobile Home Superior at camping Eden
                                            [omschrijving_content] => With its 4m x 7.6m dimensions, this mobile home has a large and spacious living and kitchen area. With sliding doors opening onto the wooden terrace outside it offers a wonderful lake view over the bay of Salò and the little harbour of Portese.
We offer this mobilhome exclusively on campsite Eden.
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                                    [9903] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9903
                                            [titel_content] => Living-kitchen-dining area
                                            [omschrijving_content] => The well equipped kitchen area has a large fridge-freezer, gas hob, microwave oven, coffeemaker, waterkettle and everything else you need for an enjoyable holiday. The use of the aircondition is not included in the price.
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                                                    [41] => Array
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                                                            [contentcategoriecode] => GNL_ACCO-BESCHRIJVING



                                    [9904] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9904
                                            [titel_content] => Bedrooms
                                            [omschrijving_content] => There is a double bedroom and a second bedroom with 1 single bed plus a bunk bed. (for a child up to 10 years). If neccessary the bank in the living area can be tranformed to a 6th sleep.
All beds come equipped with single duvets and pillows.

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                                                            [contentcategoriecode] => GNL_ACCO-BESCHRIJVING



                                    [9905] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9905
                                            [titel_content] => Bathroom
                                            [omschrijving_content] => There is a spacious bathroom complete with shower, toilet and sink and another bathroom with toilet and sink with direct access from the master bedroom.
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                                                    [41] => Array
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                                                            [contentcategoriecode] => GNL_ACCO-BESCHRIJVING



                                    [9906] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9906
                                            [titel_content] => Terrace
                                            [omschrijving_content] => Covered Terrace - offering comfort on the hottest of days and even during a summer rain storm! The terrace is equipped with garden furniture and a BBQ.
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                                                            [contentcategoriecode] => GNL_ACCO-BESCHRIJVING



                                    [9910] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9910
                                            [titel_content] => 
                                            [omschrijving_content] => - Gusto WiFi in the mobile home
- Spacious living and kitchen area
- Airconditioning
- 2 Bedrooms, 1 shower room, 2 toilets
- Wonderful lake views
                                            [contentcategorie_container] => Array
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                                                            [contentcategoriecode] => GNL_ACCO_USP



                                    [9957] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9957
                                            [titel_content] => 
                                            [omschrijving_content] => Thia mobilehome is exclusively designed for Gustocamp and has the terrace at the front-side. It is large ( 4,0 x 7,60 m) and offers a spacious and comortable living - dining area. There is a well equipped kitchen area with everything you need for a enjoyable holiday, including air conditioning.
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                                    [9958] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9958
                                            [titel_content] => 
                                            [omschrijving_content] => In the living area it is possible to transform the bank to a single sleeping place.
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                                    [9961] => Array
                                            [content_id] => 9961
                                            [titel_content] => Eleonor Turnball
                                            [omschrijving_content] => A nicer view we could have never had dreamed

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                                            [titel_content] => 
                                            [omschrijving_content] => Model on picture may differ from the original. Subject to change.
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                                                    [41] => Array
                                                            [contentcategorie_id] => 41
                                                            [contentcategoriecode] => GNL_ACCO-BESCHRIJVING



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                                            [content_id] => 10675
                                            [titel_content] => 8,1
                                            [omschrijving_content] => Beautiful campsite! What a way to finish the day, drinking an aperitif on the roof terrace with stunning views of the Garda lake.
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                                            [titel_content] => Plattegrond stacaravan Superior Meerzicht
                                            [omschrijving_content] => Plattegrond stacaravan Superior Meerzicht
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                                            [titel_content] => Foto's stacaravan Superior Meerzicht
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    [1260] => Array
            [subpakket_id] => 1260
            [element_container] => Array
                    [2076] => Array
                            [element_id] => 2076
                            [lengtegraad_element] => 
                            [breedtegraad_element] => 
                            [minimale_elementprijs] => 
                            [elementtype_container] => Array
                                    [47] => Array
                                            [elementtype_id] => 47
                                            [code_elementtype] => EXTRA_DUUR


                            [prijsduurbepaling_container] => Array
                                    [2] => Array
                                            [prijsduurbepaling_id] => 2
                                            [prijsduurbepalingnaam] => p.n.




            [subpakketcategorie_container] => Array
                    [7] => Array
                            [subpakketcategorie_id] => 7
                            [subpakketcategoriecode] => EXTOPT


            [mm_subpakket_element_container] => Array
                    [4441] => Array
                            [mm_subpakket_element_id] => 4441
                            [hoofdelement] => 1
                            [element_container] => Array
                                    [2076] => Array
                                            [element_id] => 2076





    [1224] => Array
            [subpakket_id] => 1224
            [element_container] => Array
                    [2039] => Array
                            [element_id] => 2039
                            [lengtegraad_element] => 
                            [breedtegraad_element] => 
                            [minimale_elementprijs] => 5
                            [elementtype_container] => Array
                                    [47] => Array
                                            [elementtype_id] => 47
                                            [code_elementtype] => EXTRA_DUUR


                            [prijsduurbepaling_container] => Array
                                    [2] => Array
                                            [prijsduurbepaling_id] => 2
                                            [prijsduurbepalingnaam] => p.n.




            [subpakketcategorie_container] => Array
                    [7] => Array
                            [subpakketcategorie_id] => 7
                            [subpakketcategoriecode] => EXTOPT


            [mm_subpakket_element_container] => Array
                    [4369] => Array
                            [mm_subpakket_element_id] => 4369
                            [hoofdelement] => 1
                            [element_container] => Array
                                    [2039] => Array
                                            [element_id] => 2039





    [1284] => Array
            [subpakket_id] => 1284
            [subpakketcategorie_container] => Array
                    [7] => Array
                            [subpakketcategorie_id] => 7
                            [subpakketcategoriecode] => EXTOPT


            [mm_subpakket_element_container] => Array
                    [4489] => Array
                            [mm_subpakket_element_id] => 4489
                            [hoofdelement] => 1



    [1269] => Array
            [subpakket_id] => 1269
            [subpakketcategorie_container] => Array
                    [7] => Array
                            [subpakketcategorie_id] => 7
                            [subpakketcategoriecode] => EXTOPT


            [mm_subpakket_element_container] => Array
                    [4459] => Array
                            [mm_subpakket_element_id] => 4459
                            [hoofdelement] => 1


